Good Therapy is Inaccessible

Edwin Gekonge
1 min readJun 22, 2021

Good therapy is outside the reach to most people. So what’s the next best thing? My guess: Self-guided cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

I’m not talking about self-diagnosing and writing yourself counterfeit prescriptions. Or ill-advised attempts at self-medicating on recreational psychoactive substances like weed, alcohol, over-the-counter opioids and so on. Indeed, compulsive use of these substances is precisely what ails many of us.

I’m talking about paying full price for as few sessions with a qualified, licensed therapist as it would take to equip your mind with the cognitive tools it needs to pattern interrupt your problematic thought processes long enough for them to sink back into the unconscious.

Of course, in doing so, many of us would be surprised to find out the true extent to which our psyche is dysfunctional and hopefully we can address it before they fester and metastasize into clinical disorders.

